Morning Posting

I really prefer to write my blog post in the evening and schedule it to post just after midnight but life seems to be getting in the way. Or maybe it’s laziness or poor planning. Or maybe it’s just that the rut that life has become makes it harder to have something to say.

Does anyone else judge the day by what’s on TV? We DVR most of what we watch and view it over the next day or two so my ability to reconcile what day it is could even be off by a day or two. Today is Tuesday, right?

The usual urgency I feel by this point in August isn’t there. School has been delayed by a couple of weeks while they iron out the final plan. We’ve already notified the school via their parent’s survey that N will be working remotely. We can change our mind later if our situation changes but currently this is what will work better for us. The Husband is having more frequent and longer visits with his mother as her health declines. She is very much at risk should she catch coronavirus. I’d go so far as to say she is in the highest risk category. We do not want to be the carries that deliver it to her doorstep.

I spent hours knitting yesterday. The ball of yarn is smaller. I’d say nearly half gone but there is still plenty of vest body to knit. The pattern says 21 inches from cast on to ribbing. Based on the photo I think I’d like 25 inches. I’ll see what the remaining yarn amount looks like and reassess at 21 inches.

Enjoy your Tuesday. Let me know how is your life going? Are you still social distancing?

About nothingbutknit2

I'm a wife, mother and knitter. Watch out for my pointy sticks.
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20 Responses to Morning Posting

  1. Loony Feminist says:

    We’re also finding it hard to remember what day it is. Even the post, which was a marker from Mondays to Saturdays, is very irregular now. We get two, maybe three deliveries a week, if we’re lucky. We are social distancing still as we both have underlying conditions. I’m quite (very) low because I can’t even knit for more than 10 minutes at a time. Awaiting injections in my hands. We’ve had to get gardeners in (who are wonderful) because I’ve had to give that up. Reading a lot. We also record most of our TV and watch it when we want to rather than watch crap because it’s on. Still, there’s always chocolate. ☺

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Cinna Knits says:

    Looks great!
    We are still social distancing, although we have relaxed a little bit. I’m doing outdoor fitness classes at my Y. My young children have a couple friends we occasionally see (every other week or so).
    But we aren’t doing any recreational indoor activities or dinning out.
    School for the first semester will be virtual. The set up is more akin to a regular synchronous school day, as opposed to what they scrambled to put together at the end of last year.

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    • We’ve been told our remote school will be a mix of live and recorded. There will also be educators from outside our school system for some students. I’m not concerned about my son as he is able to do his work without us hanging over him. I am sad that his senior year will not be “normal”.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. We are still social distancing, but get out a few days a week for shopping or dining. Most places we go have close to 100% compliance with mask and distance rules. I find it hard to get motivated to do so many things. My knitting and sewing are being accomplished, but not very quickly. Since I am treated for depression I try to stay positive and contact my doctor if it is becoming worse. So far it is manageable. Avoiding much of social and news media helps, but I still want to stay informed. Quite a dilemma. I am certainly thankful for my cats, they keep me amused regularly. This morning I came down to see Barney on his back , all spread out waiting for a belly rub! Made my day!
    I’m knitting hats for all six of my family for our annual gingerbread assembly day in November, hoping nothing prevents it occurring.
    Glad you are making progress on your project, these projects help us stay sane!

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  4. I’m being quite social while physically distancing. Most places I go are outdoors, or if shopping, most if not all are wearing masks. I’m knitting and sewing, camping, traveling (to places with low incidence of virus), kayaking with a group weekly, visiting friends at a distance, knitting with friends at a distance. I don’t have a TV, so that’s not part of my life; I read (most recently “Humankind” which was great and positive) and listen to radio for news. Life, for me, is good.

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  5. We are still social distancing, with exceptions for family and framily (friends that are closer than family). I really miss letting the kids play with other kids at playgrounds. We aren’t going out to eat, and I’m not taking my kids to any stores.

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  6. kathyreeves says:

    I pretty much do the grocery shopping once each week, and have just started back to attending church live instead of online. I have been teaching piano face to face since the first of July, but we are wearing masks and I’m sanitizing after every family. The kids have to stay in the studio, and are limited to sitting on one piece of furniture that I’ve covered with a sheet that gets wiped down after each family if used.

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  7. We are still pretty much social distancing. We go out grocery shopping once a week and sometimes go out for a random errand or to pick up takeout a second time in the week, but that’s about it. I have a work schedule that dictates a lot of my life, but if it wasn’t for that I would have no idea what day it was!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Jackie B says:

    Still social distancing here in the Uk and wearing masks in shops and other indoor public places ( not that I’ve really been to more than the occasional supermarket. Also very protective of my mum who is in her eighties, in good health but vulnerable because of age. When our lockdown was lifted I felt quite anxious about going out to public places, though getting better now.

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    • My MIL is on oxygen full time and reaching the point where she really needs someone with her most of the time. We are balancing introducing some normalcy into our lives while trying to keep her from getting sick. It is not easy.

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      • Jackie B says:

        It’s such a difficult balance between achieving normality and staying safe. I suppose I’m probably more cautious because people I knew personally died because of the virus. As a result I get very angry at those who take unnecessary risks or dismiss the virus as being exaggerated. You just have to decide what is right for you and your family and ignore pressure from others who might be less cautious. Hope you and your family, especially your MIL, stay safe x.

        Liked by 2 people

  9. Alissa Head says:

    Still pretty much social distancing, but getting on a plane for work in a couple of days. I’m a little concerned about that

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  10. ReginaMary says:

    I am sorry to hear your mother-in-law is failing. It must be difficult reconciling end of life matters while social distancing from her.
    Our school is one of only 3 planning on having in-person instruction. That being said, I have no idea how that is going to happen yet!! I am still social distancing and doing everything I can to minimize exposure. I have a sister in Tokyo and a brother/sister in law in Hong Kong, and as long as this things is a threat, I am unable to see them. 😦

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    • Unfortunately my husband has to divide duties with 3 of his siblings to care for his mother. She lives in the in-law apartment at his brother’s house but they can’t hold jobs, take care of kids and her so the others are helping. This increases her exposure but we have no choice. We have cut back our exposure to others just so he can help out. It isn’t optimal but it’s all we can do.

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  11. Stefanie says:

    I’m surprised that your school district has been planning so late. Ours have been working on it since summer. I think your decision is a good one. I keep getting surprised at all these colleges opening up. We saw my parents this Saturday; we use masks when talking but that’s about it. Our neighbor comes by once in a while with her dog and we keep 6 ft apart. Other than that, we’re holed up here in our house.

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  12. Me and the boyfriend are still very much distancing. We tried eating at a restaurant a few weeks ago, but felt very unsafe so haven’t done that again since. I figure it’s better to be overly safe than too casual about it.

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  13. Olivia says:

    Yes most definitely still social distancing and using a mask whenever I walk out the door to walk the dogs which is about all I go do. I drive around at night and get PokéStops but I never leave my car. Now that my house is larger because the renovation is done I’m not so stir crazy but I do feel like my world is way too small. I am petrified of the virus and what is going on politically, so yeah. I’m in the same boat. It doesn’t make it any easier does it?

    Liked by 1 person

  14. salpal1 says:

    hmmm, I hadn’t really thought about it as a “do you still” kind of thing, but we are mostly social distancing, and when it isn’t possible or preferred, always wear a mask. We both go to work ,and do the errands, shopping, etc. Always masked up. there is another outbreak in one of the towns A is in on a weekly basis, so we are very careful to wear our masks, in case she picked it up and we don’t know it yet. Mom and stepdad are up there in years, we don’t see as much of them as we normally would, when we do, I wear a mask all the time, and try not to go into their house. Mom thinks I am being silly. I think I do not want to be the one who gives it to her, which I can tell you get. If my &^&^%* brothers give it to her, they have to live with themselves (and with me and my sister!) but I am not risking it.

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